The biggest difficulty in this level is the initial moments, when
you are dropped in a mass of Bobs and aliens. The best strategy that I have found is to head straight out into the hallway, turn right and back up until you are nearly even with a hallway to your left. Then, with the help of grenades and sidestepping, you should be able to defend yourself well. As far as I know, killing a Bob
will not affect anything, so shoot anything that moves.
From Roy M. LeCates (
There is a health station (2x I think) which helps you get
a foothold in the level. When you start, head down the hallway to
the east. At the end, turn right (south). Turn left at the second
hallway (east). Go south through the openings, kill the aliens
when the doors open on both sides, and go down the hallway to the east. On the south side of that room, there's a hidden health
station. Then you can hang out in that area, drawing aliens in
for their demise. You always have a recharge available in case